Gratitude and Dreaming

Happy New Year from the Serengeti!

Tonight I am writing to you from Tanzania, where I am spending New Years on a photo safari at the Great Migration of the Serengeti.

Yesterday I went to a market and cherry-picked a group of African fabrics which I will hand-carry home on January 8th. Watch the newsletter for when these will be available online.

I am traveling with Natural Habitats (the same company that organizes my Polar Bear tours to Churchill) and we have a famous wildlife expert as our guide. He has worked as a safari guide for 29 years, and has worked on National Geographic specials about Cheetahs and other African animals. He also has worked on several BBC wildlife shows, and has worked with Richard Attenborough. We’ve been discussing our mutual admiration for Attenborough’s lifelong work.

Last night he was telling a great story about the animals that wander through the tented camps at night. One time a lioness brought her cubs and left them between two tents, while she went out hunting. She knew it was safe to leave the cubs there! Once he saved a cheetah cub from being eaten by a lion, and a year later he ran into the same mother cheetah with her 3 cubs. The young adult cub jumped up onto the hood of the car and hung out with this guide, who is convinced the cub came to thank him for saving his life.

People who love wildlife are very passionate about wildlife conservation, and we know many of you feel this way because of the wildlife fabrics that you purchase from us. I’m taking lots of wildlife photos on this trip, so I can share with all of you. I’ll be off the grid for a week, but will be excited to share my experiences with you at the end of the safari.

As one year ends and another begins, we know that many of you are gearing up for the big quilt making time of the year, to stay home over the winter months and sew like crazy! We thank you for supporting our charity program and our business, and we look forward to serving your quilting needs again in 2018.

Wishing you a creative and joyful New Year!

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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