$5 for Mission of Love Shipping Expenses?

Will you take a moment to go to the Mission of Love Gofundme page to make a small contribution?

Kathy Price is working to load trucks, load containers, and ship supplies to Ukraine. She has shipped 13K lbs of rice to Kyiv by container, arriving in May. They are shipping food, medical supplies, equipment for Ukraine fire departments, and your donated quilts…and the biggest challenge now is to raise the money to pay for the shipping expenses. She normally would use the free international shipping of the Denton Program, but they will not fly into the area as long as it is an active war zone. So we have to pick up the slack for the shipping expenses. eQuilter is sending thousands of dollars to help purchase relief supplies and pay for shipping the quilts, but can you also help with a few dollars?

If 5% of the people who receive this message will send $5 each, we could raise $30,000 for Ukrainian refugee relief.

Will you take a moment to go to the Mission of Love Gofundme page to make a small contribution?

You can also go to the Mission of Love page and donate by paypal on their home page. (Please note – their Red “Donate” button at the top is not working. Scroll down to the Yellow “Donate” button.)

click here – For information on donating Ukraine Refugee Quilts.

Thank you! – Luana Rubin

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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