Creative Nudge – Blossom Bliss


A dozen crab apple trees have burst into deep pink blooms in front of the eQuilter warehouse, and our parking lot is now bordered by a frothy wave of delicate blossoms. For two weeks out of every year, we enjoy these clouds of pink flowers as we come and go, and it reignites our passion for Everything Floral.

What is it about Quilters and Florals? Does it remind us of our childhood gardens, of visits to Grandma’s house, or of summer vacations?

Do you have favorite flower prints? I have a special appreciation for detailed lilac florals because I grew up with a fragrant lilac bush outside my bedroom window, which I’ve tried to recreate in our home of 20 years (where eQuilter was born) by planting lilacs all around our property. This time of year is just heavenly! The lilacs in the full sun bloom first along with our crab apple trees and redbuds, then a couple weeks later the lilacs in the back blossom slowly in partial shade.

Because we live next to the Celestial Tea Factory, and it smells like the Tea of the Day outside, this time of year is a potpourri delight! Today it was a combination of Lemon Zinger drifting in the back door, and the scent of lilacs lingering on the front porch. That is a good thing because lately our house has been smelling more like dogs, than flowers. Ha!

These are the things that inspire us to collect a pile of fabrics, and work them into a quilt project. Grandma’s flower garden, our beloved dogs, a pie in the oven, Beethoven playing on the radio, birds fluttering around our bird feeder, and plans for a summer vegetable garden… these are all things that feed our creative energies directly or indirectly. The colors, the smells, the sounds, all swirl around in our brains and then pop out as an exciting idea for our next project.

How has the changing of the seasons inspired your creative process? What are the swirling ingredients of *your* creative potpourri?

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