Creative Nudge – Creative Mash-Up


Creativity is often interdisciplinary. While some try to keep different art forms separate and distinct, others are inspired by the possibilities of melding 2 or more art forms.

Humans naturally try to divide their world into polarized segments… light and dark… good and bad…art or craft…etc. It is how we try to simplify and understand complex situations.

Imagine the excitement when classical music and athletic but graceful dance were first combined. (Ballet) The multiple layers of artforms in Opera (vocal and instrumental music, acting, costumes & sets) allowed us to be submersed in an alternative reality, long before virtual reality was possible.

Our Boulder university is considering creating a new School of the Arts, combining theatre and dance, art and art history and film studies departments, plus staff from the CU Art Museum and Colorado Shakespeare Festival.

In yesterday’s local paper, it was reported that “….students are already thwarting departmental boundaries by blending all sorts of artistic disciplines into projects, degrees and performances.”

I like to mix up the creative inspiration and creative expression (Images In = Images Out) so they swirl together like a chocolate/vanilla ice cream cone.

When I look at things through a camera lens, or try to paint something with a brush and pigment, I experience the source in a new and different way. This week I was able to photograph our Boulder Philharmonic in concert, which was a fantastic experience. I have long been inspired by Max Oppenheimer’s giant painting at the Belvedere Museum in Vienna – of Gustav Mahler conducting the Vienna Philharmonic. No online photo can do this piece justice, because it is HUGE, and the details get lost when it is shrunk down.

However the visual stimulation of my photo session, combined with the live music, and the memory of Oppenheimer’s painting, got my creative juices roaring this week.

How do you layer different creative inputs, and different artistic disciplines, to make something new?

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