Creative Nudge – Happy Earth Day!


Happy Earth Day!

Over the last year as I have traveled to a game reserve in South Africa, to the edge of the Arctic Circle in Canada, and to the Marine Sanctuaries of Hawaii, I have renewed my commitment to speak up for the creatures whose habitats are being wiped out by the activities of humans.

As I have flown around the world and seen the coastlines, forests and mountains pass by in miniature detail as I look out of the airplane window, it becomes obvious that the planet is no longer a vast horizon….but a precious and fragile pearl that we hold in our hands.

Last fall I joined 400,000 people in New York to march for climate change, and it was the experience of a lifetime.

Earth Day is just one day out of the year, but it is a day that we can speak out, join with others of like mind, and plants seeds that can grow into compassion for our fellow voyagers on this spaceship Earth.

Take time to savor the quiet moments in wild places, and see how it opens up wide open spaces within you, as a creative person.

Our National Parks, our Wildlife Reserves, our vast forests and wilderness preserves are precious not only for the eco-systems that thrive there, but also priceless treasures for our mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Take a moment today to connect with Gaia, Mother Earth, Nature…and see what secrets she may whisper into your ear.

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