Creative Nudge – Island Paradise


I am just finishing up a trip to Hawaii to visit Paul’s 91 year old mother, and we stopped in Maui for a couple of days to see the whales, and go to a luau. This time while on Oahu, we did the Pearl Harbor tour which is very sobering. My dad and uncle were stationed in Hawaii after WWII, and my name was inspired by Hawaii. I have so many connections to Hawaii, it is a pleasure to visit family here whenever possible.

Sophie and I always love to see a luau when we can fit it in, and I love to photograph the dancers and their colorful costumes. Here is a photo of the young ladies in their pink dresses and white floral leis. (in a photo collage with some eQuilter Island/Floral/Batik fabrics.)

We’ve been to Maui several times over the last 20 years, but somehow I’ve never made it Upcountry. We finally made it yesterday, and our destination was the Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm. It is a purple oasis in a sea of green hills, halfway up Haleakala Mountain. When you arrive, you are immersed in the view and the fragrance of Lavender! Heavenly! Then you can have a Lavender Scone with your Lavender Tea or Lavender Coffee, maybe with a little Lavender Honey or Lavender Chocolate.

There is something about standing in a field of blooming flowers, that stays with you the rest of your life. I’ve been in fields of lavender and sunflowers in Provence, more lavender in the Cotswolds (UK), fields of Iris in our own town of Boulder, and some day I’d like to experience fields of tulips. People may wonder why one would go out of their way to have this experience – and I would say – because it stays with you the rest of your life! It is like a waking dream, where the color and fragrance stretches as far as the eye can see, and it washes over you as you walk through the fields of blooms. You can have some of this experience in a Botanic Garden, but standing in a field of one type of blooming flower is a peak experience. Try it this Spring, and see!

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