Creative Nudge – Light and Dimension


I am writing to you from the Dairy Barn in Athens Ohio, where today I am lecturing on International Quilt Trends. I have to write this before I go see the Quilt National exhibit, so my comments on the show will have to wait a little bit!

One of the trends I am tracking is the illusion of depth and light through the use of Ombre piecing or Ombre fabrics. When this technique is used with other creative devices such as complementary colors, in this case set off on a neutral (Taupe) background, it really makes the design pop!

This stunning Double Wedding Ring by quiltmaker Joke Spaans-Stolp (Netherlands) uses not only light, midtone and dark shades of each color…but also uses shot cottons in the rings, to add further depth and dimension to what would be an otherwise traditional quilt. This collage above features a detail from the quilt (seen at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK), framed by Ombre fabrics showing the similar effect of light and dimension.

Modern and traditional quilters are exploring the creative boundaries of beloved favorite patterns like the Wedding Ring. Judy Niemeyer’s Wedding Ring patterns have been favorites at eQuilter for years, as have Darlene Zimmerman’s plastic templates for Wedding Ring blocks. Two years ago Victoria Findlay-Wolfe’s Wedding Ring interpretation took best of show at the first QuiltCon in Austin Texas.

For this year’s QuiltCon photos, Sacred Threads, and other quilt exhibit photo galleries, check out my photo pages. Enjoy!

Thanks for supporting our family-owned business, with over $1 million donated to charity. While in Ohio I am meeting with Kathy Price, the director of Mission of Love, so we can plan our next partnership to help those in need….with your support.

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