Creative Nudge – Night at the Opera


Lately I've been reading various articles about brain research and creativity. It is quite entertaining to learn about various studies which prove music, color and fragrance can stimulate our creativity and memory. We've known for awhile that Bach and Mozart can stimulate the brain and potentially raise the IQ, but we are just now valuing creativity enough so that researchers have to spend time and money to prove what we creative-types already know: sensory stimulation lights up the creative centers of the brain!

Every artist and creative person I know, has figured this out. This ranges from taking a dance class, to aromatherapy, and having an "Artist's Date" – i.e. going to a gallery, art museum or concert.

I have always wondered, why do we have to get permission from a book or a scientist to accept what we already know – that being exposed to a live performance or viewing art in person is incredibly inspiring.

Whether you go the opera, attend gallery openings, listen to street musicians, or watch a painting demo… to witness creative expression is to light the creative fire within…and apparently also lights up the creative centers of the brain.

Because of my background as a classically trained musician, I love to expose my kids to classical music, and then allow them to fall in love with the composer or genre of their choice. This last week I was playing Bizet's "Carmen" in the car, and then the kids were whistling the famous theme melody the rest of the week. Sneaky huh?

I am sure most of you have seen the classic movie "Room With a View". (If not, go download it now!) There is a famous haunting aria in this film – from a seldom-performed short opera by Puccini. You have probably never hear this piece anywhere else but the movie, but if you heard the melody you'd instantly remember that famously luscious visual of the Italian countryside. The scene has such sensual depth that you can almost smell the Italian countryside fragrance when the aria is played.

Sophie and I went to see our local university's opera company Sunday afternoon, and much to my surprise, this was one of the short operas performed. It is called "Gianni Schicchi" and only lasts about an hour. When the soprano began to sing this aria, there was an audible gasp from the audience, and their delight in hearing this piece performed was as deliciously heavy as night-blooming jasmine.

How do you stimulate your brain's creativity?

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About Luana has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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8 Responses to Creative Nudge – Night at the Opera

  1. Teri says:

    I enjoy several things: music while I quilt; zentangling when I can’t quilt; other peoples blogs and other peoples quilts. I’m going to add a station to my online radio and listen while I quilt. I do find that listening to music while I quilt really helps the creative process.


  2. Barb Vlack says:

    Luana, you made my day start beautifully. Thank you. I was fully aware of the aria you described , as I am an opera fan and have had a subscription to the Lyric in Chicago for many years. I started to hum to aria even before I opened the link. And then to hear Renee Fleming sing it! Well … She is now the artistic director of the Lyric, so we get to see her more frequently than ever before.

    Indeed, every time I walk into the Art Deco opulence of the opera house in Chicago, I am visually stimulated, and that’s even before the opera’s opening curtain.

    Thanks for your encouragement for opera. I often play opera in the background as I stitch or design because I don’t have to give it any verbal attention. I don’t understand the words, so the music pulls me along.

  3. Sue says:

    Love your notes on opera! How about some fabrics with opera characters – Carmen, Aida, Manon – etc., etc. NOT Phantom – real opera!! There are so many – great possibilities –

  4. DianeL says:

    I enjoyed reading your post today so much… until I read it twice!
    I have always felt as if the emotional power of music inspired the creative areas of my brain/heart/soul.
    Now, on this rainy day I will watch “Room With A View” of my favs.
    Best Wishes!

  5. Maureen Grigsby says:

    Loved all your comments about creativity and am currently reading “Imagine” by Jonah Lehrer about the process of creativity. But I do think that Pininterest is a HUGE source of creative thinking right now. It is wonderful how we can all inspire each other!!!!!

  6. Donna B. says:

    Good article, Luana! I would add a sweet kitty or sleeping dog to the list. My companion animals add so much to my life. Our Humane Society here in Dayton (Ohio) sells artwork done by the dogs and cats as a fundraiser. It’s fun to see that the animals themselves have their own form of creativity!

  7. Rachel says:

    Loved this post! I was so inspired by seeing Van Gogh’s paintings in person at the Philadelphia Museum of Art last week. I’m quilting in blues and golds this week! Also, the aria you mentioned by Puccini is my all time favorite.

  8. Carrie Dominguez says:

    You and I have talked (email) about this a cellist…and me..the violinist…along with a few other instruments. I have passed this on to my kids as well. All four of my children play; one the cello, one on violin, one on trumpet and one on Sax. And now my grandson (4) is showing an interest! I love the Opera as well as jazz, swing and big band music! I’ve played in many a pit orchestra for musicals and operas…many years kids are using my instruments now…I hardly ever pick them up anymore…not enough hours in the day to quilt and eveything else…but the music is always playing in our house…it just gets those creative juices flowing!

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