Creative Nudge – Princess Story


What is it about castles, princesses, unicorns and dragons?

We just can't get enough of them…. in movies, books, fairytales…and fabric!

The image above is a photo I took last year while visiting Glamis Castle in Scotland, where the Queen Mother grew up. I've included a collage of fantasy fabrics to go with the fairytale castle.

When I was a kid, the stories about princesses were about waiting for Prince Charming to come and save the day. These days little girls have better princess role models – brave girls who don't necessarily wait for a prince to complete the story or their happiness.

The archetype of a princess endures, but now she is more willing to "let it go" and be true to herself. She will catch and tame her own Unicorn or Dragon, thank you very much! I am thinking of the strong young women of Frozen, Brave, Harry Potter, and How to Train Your Dragon. Little girls can have such adventurous fairytale fantasies these days… compared to when I was a girl. Is there a little girl in your life who dreams of taming the elements, or being a Dragon-Whisperer?

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