Design Trend Update

One of the big trends in design is the influence of art and culture from Mexico. This is part of the reason why I just had to go down to the quilt festival in Mexico City earlier this year…to see the arts and crafts and COLORS that are the original seeds of this colorful movement.

You’ll notice that 4 of the top 5 categories in this week’s newsletter are inspired by Hispanic/Mexican culture… with themes from Day of the Dead, Frida Kahlo, etc.

Another big trend is Wildlife and Nature themes, and you’ll find Deer, Moose, Chipmunks and Polar Bears featured in categories above. Similarly, Botanical prints and Birds echo this important design trend, which expresses our desire to be closer to the beauty of Nature as our lives become faster-paced and we spend more time indoors on our computers and other devices.

Comic Con is this weekend in San Diego, and if you are there, or if you wish you were there, remember that we are Geeks and Nerds too, and therefore will stock all the Superheroes and SciFi motifs that our suppliers will ship to us!

Next weekend Sophie and I will be at the Not Fade Away / Sacred Threads conference, and we hope to see many of you there! Please do come and say hello when you see us…we’ll be at all the events including the Bus Tour on Friday. Can’t wait!

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