Every Day is a Gift

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to one of our oldest friends in the industry. I learned Friday that Vic Dadika (Sales Manager for Northcott US) died last Wednesday. My very first fabric buying appointment at my very first Quilt Market (1999) was with Vic, and he’s been a great friend and supporter of our business all these years. He was a champion for the independently-owned mom and pop quilt shops and we always had the greatest respect for his dedication to the industry. We will miss you Vic. Our deepest sympathies go out to Vic’s family and the staff at Northcott.

Sophie is attending a music camp up in Estes Park, and I’ll be going up to hear their camp orchestra concert Sunday. I attended this camp as a kid, and my music teacher was one of the founders. He’s been gone since 1980, but I still miss him when I go up there.

After months of rain, the summer heat has finally kicked in, just in time for the Summer Solstice! (Sunday June 21 at 9:39 am PDT/12:39 pm EDT) My organic veggie garden is producing lots of lettuce and cooking greens now, and my tomato plants seem to grow an inch every day in this heat. I am trying some fancy micro-greens this year too. The kids don’t quite know what to make of them, but they are fun to look at and using them as a garnish engages a different aspect of creativity.

I came back from my Vienna trip to find a beautiful stack of donated quilts for Nepal! Many thanks to those of you who have already sent quilts, and also to those of you who are gearing up to make and send quilts. Give me a chance to catch my breath and work on the details of this project, but I can tell you that we have many prospective channels for distribution so this disaster relief project is definitely ON. Those I’ve spoken to who are on the ground in Nepal say that the quilts will be greatly appreciated as winter approaches, so we are planning for an early Fall deadline. Stay tuned for details and thanks for your patience. Feel free to drop off or ship quilts to our offices in Boulder.

eQuilter has collected and distributed over 10,000 donated quilts (with partners such as Mission of Love, and Timeless Treasures) for disaster relief since 9/11/2001. We extend our humble gratitude to the thousands of quilters who have trusted us with your precious quilts, which you have given so freely to those in need.

Lets do it again… for the families and children of Nepal. Thank you.

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