Fire Quilts, Colorado Quilts and Hawaiian Quilts

This week, thanks to our generous local quilters, Sam and I were able to have a truly remarkable experience. We were able to personally give several quilts to people who experienced a loss in the High Park fire in Fort Collins.

On Wednesday and Thursday, many of you responded to our call for quilts, and as a result the back of my car was piled with beautiful comfort quilts when I drove up north.

The first couple I met, Eric and Kristen, walked into the distribution center hand in hand. Sam and I were behind them, and we could just tell they'd been through a lot. We could see they were sad and tired, but they still had each other. We followed them inside and asked if they'd like to receive a handmade quilt. Their eyes brightened, they smiled and said yes!

As we visited, I learned that he is a volunteer fireman. While he was out trying to save others' homes, their own home was half burned, and the rest damaged by severe smoke and heat. It was so special to able to spread out all your quilts, and let them choose 2 quilts that spoke to them.

We got to meet 3 other people who chose from our quilts. Everyone who picked out a quilt had a tear in their eye, and a smile on their face. It was such a gift to be there and have that experience, so I thank you, all of you who have contributed, or will contribute quilts to the Colorado fire victims. These folks send their gratitude and astonishment back to you.

Sam was very moved by the experience. He said, "How can they be so sweet, after losing so much?" How indeed? Because by losing, they are able to receive the selfless giving of their community.

Wednesday night I went to the opening award ceremony of Quilt Colorado in Loveland. (It used to be in Estes Park, but has relocated to a larger venue at a hotel and convention center.) eQuilter provided the top cash prize which went to Sherry Reynolds' jaw-droppingly gorgeous quilt. Opal Frey (age 91, and still quilting!) received a standing ovation.

I've posted images of several of the top quilts from the 170-quilt exhibit.

On Friday I also visited the Hawaiian Quilt exhibit, on loan from the Hite collection, which is at CSU's Avenir Museum in their Arts building. Sam's week-long music camp was there, and he spotted the quilt exhibit before I did! I had a meeting with the director and new curator, and I hope that will turn into a new resource for our ongoing textile videos. This show closes August 2nd: I hope if you are in the area you can check it out!

We'll be collecting quilts and delivering them to the fire relief center through the end of August. If you wish to donate a quilt, send it to us at:

5455 Spine Rd, Suite E
Boulder CO 80301

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About Luana has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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