Flying Across the Pond Tonight

It’s time for the biggest quilt festival in Europe – the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK! When you read this newsletter I’ll be halfway across the Atlantic on my way to England. eQuilter is a major sponsor of this event (we sponsor the Festival Theatre) but the reason I go to this show every year is to photograph the beautiful quilts that express so much variety of culture from so many countries. It is a smorgasbord of artistic delights!

This time I am bringing Sophie with me, and she is going to help me with some videos at the show. She’s been helping out at the office this summer in the buying department, and she will also be coming to Quilt Market in Houston this year. Our family business is expanding. We are first stopping in London for a few days to visit an old friend of the family, then we’ll be in Birmingham for the Thursday night Festival Dinner, and the Friday night SAQA dinner. We’ll be on the floor of the show Friday and Saturday, and we hope to see many of our European friends during these few days.

A few days ago we met with our Natural Habitats travel specialist and she said we still have a couple spots open for the Polar Bear tour in November. This is a very special trip for me because it is a few days before my 60th birthday. If you’ve been noodling about joining us, I urge you to call NatHab Monday and nab that last spot, and you can help me celebrate my big birthday out on the edge of the Arctic Circle. My most recent quilt is a Polar Bear which will be in the Endangered Species exhibit next year. (from a photo I took of a very charismatic bear on the last Polar Bear tour.)

If you are a longtime subscriber to this e-newsletter, you know that I love to share photos that I take when I travel. I’ve recently uploaded photos from Sweden, and also the Lotus Festival from the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in Wash DC. I’ll be sharing photos from the Birmingham Festival of Quilts in a week or two also. I hope these photos give you lots of creative inspiration.

Our next featured workshop will be MJ Kinman’s Gemstone Quilts on Oct 6-7. The link to the discounted hotel rates is at the bottom of the workshop page here. We now have in stock the fat quarter packets that go with her Birthstone Patterns.

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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