Hello from Washington DC

This weekend I am writing to you from Washington DC. I am on the Steering Committee for the Color Marketing Group’s final palette this year. But also I am here in DC to participate in the democratic process. Friday I visited my two Colorado senators’ offices to express my opinions. That is pretty amazing that you can just walk up to their offices and tell them what you think.

I also visited the Folger Shakespeare Library for the first time, and got a private tour of the Reading Room. Then I went to their production of Macbeth Friday night with a curator friend. I am doing research for a new project. If you are a Shakespeare fan and are visiting DC, be sure to check out the Folger and take a tour.

Last weekend I spent packing, and this last week we moved my studio and office. When I return we have Betty Busby teaching in our new classroom, while we move the rest of the warehouse to our new building. It is a crazy busy time for us here at eQuilter!

Quilt Market and Quilt Festival are on the horizon now. The winners of the eQuilter ‘Love Your Mother‘ Challenge will be announced at the Nov 8 Teachers Luncheon, and you’ll be able to see the 17-quilt exhibit at Festival. I am flying down to Houston early October for the final judging…can’t wait to see the juried quilts in person!

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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