Hope for the Future

This week everyone at eQuilter is so excited about the arrival of our first "eQuilter Baby" – our buyer Dijana gave birth to baby boy Parker on Thursday night. In all our 12 years, this is the first time anyone on our staff has gone through a pregnancy and delivered while working at eQuilter, so we're all as proud as if we were Parker's aunts and uncles!

This morning I took Sam and Sophie to the hospital to see Dijana and Baby Parker. New Daddy Michael was just glowing, and it was so wonderful to see Dijana so happy. She graciously offered to let me hold Parker, and I think it is the first time I've held a newborn since I had my own babies. You forget how tiny a newborn is…but of course I had to smell his downy soft little head. Sweet!

Sam and Sophie were just entranced, and Sam was honored to hold Parker for a little while. Sophie is planning on babysitting Parker when they are both a little older, so she was anxious to meet him for the first time.

Today was also full of sad news about Norway, and we send our prayers to our friends in the Oslo area. However, despite this sometimes crazy world, every day babies are born around the planet, and those of us lucky enough to have those babies in our life, can hope anew for a peaceful future. Today as we walked through the maternity ward, and saw several parents with their newborns, I had a feeling of optimism…that those young families who express faith in the future by having a baby…will somehow help to change the world for their children's future.

eQuilter continues to express our faith in a better future by donating 2% of sales to charity.

As of this month – July 2011 – eQuilter has raised a total of $900,000 for our various charity recipients.

With your help, for those in need here and around the world, and for the oceans, rainforests, wildlife and environment in general, we raise about $100,000 each year.

So we dedicate this month's landmark of $900K to Baby Parker, and wish him a beautiful future on this big-blue-marble-of-a-spaceship called Earth.

As Carl Sandburg wrote:
"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."

You can see photos of Parker on my Facebook page or my photo page. (Yes – with Dijana and Michael's permission of course!)

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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