Quilts for Japan

I love when things come Full Circle.

I love when the punchline finally hits, after a joke has gone on for months or even years. I really love when the second half of a story clicks into place, and if I’m paying attention, I say “Aha! So THAT’S why that happened a year ago…”

This image is, you might say, the final page of a story I’ve been reading for a couple years. I went on a beautiful river cruise in France 2 years ago, with a small group of quilters and Jim West. (from Sew Many Places – who are organizing my June 2012 tour of Ireland) One of our days on the Seine included a day trip to Claude Monet’s home and gardens in Giverny.

It was a very magical day, as we saw the irises and lily ponds that Monet so famously painted. To tour his home and see the bright blues and yellows used in the house, was a revelation. His huge studio where he painted the monumental lily pond paintings, was just profound. I had studied and admired those paintings since I was a girl, in books, and eventually in museums, and to stand where he had painted those pieces was like visiting a great cathedral or sacred spot.

So two years later (last month) I was walking through the galleries in the Metropolitan Art Museum, when I stopped dead in my tracks. There before me was one of the large lily pond paintings. I took a photo of the whole thing, then I came up close, and took this photo of his painted signature. I thought about the moment that he completed the piece, and then carefully added the script in the lower right hand corner. The grand golden frame lifted his work to a higher realm, but still his signature captured a single and very personal moment in his life. I could literally hear a small “Click” in my head, as I felt the story coming full circle, and I was able to imagine him standing in the cavernous studio as he picked up a very small brush to make his mark.

Tonight another story came full circle. For years, actually for decades, I’ve enjoyed the wisdom shared by Deepak Chopra, and tonight he spoke here in Boulder with his son Gotham, who co-authored a new book “7 Spiritual Secrets of Superheroes.” It is kind of like Star Wars – taking the archetypal heroes and super beings from different cultures and beliefs – and telling a story of inspiration and creative energy. Deepak spoke a lot about creativity tonight, which I found very interesting. He has written 55 books, many of which have been on the NY Times bestseller list. Talk about prolific creativity!

The latest news on our Quilts for Japan project:

The 2155 quilts and disaster relief supplies are now in Japan! The paperwork is being worked on right now and the shipment will be released for delivery shortly. It is being sent to a devastated area that has not received hardly any aid so far, so I am very excited about this development. We have requested photos from the distribution, so you can be sure we will share those photos as soon as they come back to us. So many thanks to Kathy at Mission of Love, and the military base commander who agreed to take on our project and help us with the shipping and distribution.

In the meantime Mission of Love is taking donations of quilts, and funds for relief supplies, to help the victims of recent flooding and tornadoes in the US. You can ship quilts directly to Mission of Love in Ohio, or drop off *IN PERSON* at the eQuilter warehouse.


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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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