I’ll Take What I Can Get

Sewing in the time of COVID-19 – Week 39

The big news this weekend is that a vaccine for the Covid virus is finally going to start being distributed. Our frontline hospital and nursing home workers will receive the first doses. I hope and expect that my mother will receive a dose in the nursing home soon also. Beyond that, it is still uncertain. Paul and I are in our early sixties so we will be at the end of the line along with almost everyone else under 65. However I am focusing on the positive, and thinking about what might be the New Normal this time next year.

It is cold here in Colorado today, and we got a couple inches of snow. It helps to get us in the Christmas mood. We are going into the darkest time of the year, with the longest nights and the earliest sunsets of the year. It is a good time to stay inside to sew, bake, and sip hot drinks. I am going to make soup and bake bread this weekend. Snowy winter weekends are a good time to take a nap. I am exhausted from this year, and am glad to see the end of 2020.

We learned a lot about ourselves, our communities, our healthcare systems, and our governments this year. In the darkest times, there is a light of illumination that shines on us, revealing things we would never see otherwise. I am thinking about how I can write down these things that I learned, in a journal, and then perhaps to remember in a 2020 quilt.

Or maybe it will just be an “I Survived 2020” quilt. A hundred years from now maybe your 2020 quilt will be in a museum, and school children will wonder about what it was like to live in these times. Perhaps they will collect digital ephemera and construct 3-D holographic scrapbooks. We can only imagine. But I am pretty sure a quilt will still be something you can wrap around a loved one on a cold Winter’s night….

with Hope for the Future,
Luana and Paul

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