Long Summer Days

We have an immediate opening for a Customer Service position! If you live in Colorado and might be a good fit, check out the details here.

I have spent the last few days at Quilt Canada in Ottawa, and yesterday I gave my power point lecture “International Quilt Trends” to a full house. It is such a joy to share photos from quilt shows around the world, and talk about the cross-pollination that is going on between quilters on different continents. I’ll be adding photos of Canadian quilts to the next iteration of this power point lecture.

Now that I’ve been coming to this show for several years, I have developed a nice group of Canadian quilter friends, and it is wonderful to see how their work is progressing. I’ll be featuring one of these special quilts in my Midweek Creative Nudge in a few days. As always, there were quilts celebrating wildlife, Canadian wilderness, and indigenous (First Nation) people in Canada. There was a lot of talk about climate change when groups of people got together. With the permafrost melting up North here, the Canadians are very close the changes that are occurring, including a rise in the water levels of the Great Lakes.

Our next big event in the eQuilter classroom is just around the corner. Cindy Lohbeck is teaching four one-day classes July 11-14 …2 are sold out but we have just a few seats left in the 2 shibori classes. The class fee is $50 to register, and there is a materials fee payable to the teacher. I met Cindy when we were both guests on Quilting Arts TV, and I was just blow away by her work. Sophie and I are going to be students in her classes too, so snap up those last few seats and come join us next month. It’s going to be a party in our classroom!

I am sending an invitation out to all of Cindy’s students, for an event the evening of the 10th before the classes start. If you are signed up, watch for this email in the coming week.

Today I am flying home, and tomorrow I drop off Sophie at music camp for a week. My next trip is to the Sacred Threads event in July, and Sophie will be coming with me because she likes to hang out with all my quilter friends…because you guys are just the best.

Can you believe the Summer Solstice is coming up next week? I hope you are enjoying the long days and cool twilight hours of these Midsummer weeks.

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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