Look to the Sky

Tonight we are having a celestial event – a Lunar Eclipse. Some of you may be staying up late, or getting up early, to catch a glimpse.

For the last 30 years, since I moved back to Colorado, I’ve had a nightly ritual of going out to look at the sky just before I go to bed. It is a nightly meditation to remember my tiny place in the Universe, to gaze in awe and wonder at this infinite mystery, and to listen for sounds of Nature in the quiet of midnight.

When we look up at the sky at night, especially if we are away from light pollution, there are all kinds of amazing things we might see. Not just planets and constellations, but if you are in a really dark place on the Earth’s surface, you might be blown away by the power of the dazzling Milky Way. You might see a meteor shower or falling space junk. You might see the International Space Station whizzing across the sky, or if you are in the right place and time, you might see the Aurora Borealis. If you look at the sky every night, for years and years, you will see all of these things. It keeps me coming out every night.

Of course some of you are not experiencing the silence of the night now. You are experiencing the cacophony of cicadas! Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (or live in another country) you know that Brood X is emerging after 17 years underground, and potentially number in the billions. They emerge in 15 states (but not here in Colorado) and their mating call is over 100 decibels.

As a confirmed Night Owl, I know that I get my best work done and I am most productive, late at night when the family is asleep. Then I make my cup of Sleepytime Tea (from Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory next door), go out to look at the stars (and smell whatever tea they are making tonight) and go to bed. I love our fabrics with glow-in-the-dark stars, the solar system, the Northern Lights, and other celestial bodies. Maybe some day a quilt you make with these fabrics, will inspire a young person to become an astronomer or astronaut?

…sharing your love of fabric,
Luana and Paul

Quilt Calendar: (fingers crossed!)

June 13 – Zoom Lecture “Intl Quilt Trends” – Quilt National/Dairy Barn

July 29 – Aug 1 – Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK
“For the Love of Gaia” quilt gallery

Aug 7 – Zoom lecture “Intl Quilt Trends” for Birmingham Festival of Quilts

Sept 27 – Anchorage Log Cabin Quilters Guild – Lecture.

Oct 23-30 – Houston Quilt Market & Festival

Dec 4 – Zoom lecture “Intl Quilt Trends” – Quilt Canada

Jan 12 – Apr 9, 2022 – New England Quilt Museum (NEQM)
“For the Love of Gaia” quilt exhibit

Sat, March 19 – “International Quilt Trends” power point lecture – NEQM

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