Mission of Love – A Request

My hero Kathy Price who is a tireless advocate for indigenous children around the world, is getting ready to do another airlift to help disabled children in Guatemala.

You may recall that 4 years ago I traveled with Kathy and the surgeons to photograph the cleft lip/palate repair work that Mission of Love does for free there once a year. (We have worked together for many years, including delivering quilts to Oklahoma after the big tornado in Moore.)

eQuilter is donating a large lump sum to Mission of Love on Monday, to help fund next week’s airlift.

Would you help me to surprise Kathy, and donate any amount you can spare, to help her bring food, medical and educational supplies to the Mayan children in Guatemala. She squeezes more out of a dollar than any organization I’ve ever worked with…which is why we continue to enthusiastically support her work. If you are looking to volunteer with an organization, she will gladly accept your help on a future relief trip! It will change your life.

If you wish to help, go now to missionoflove.org and click on the red letters in the top left corner – “Donate Online Now” – to donate via PayPal.

We have 120,000 subscribers – if 1000 of you give $3 each, in Kathy’s frugal hands, it will feed and bring services to thousands of children in Guatemala. Thanks for your help!

eQuilter’s charity program has raised almost 1.4 million for organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Rainforest Action Network, Ocean Conservancy, Engineers Without Borders, and Breast Cancer Research. As always, we are humbly grateful for your support of our business, so together we can truly make a difference in the world.

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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