Modern Trends on National Quilting Day

Now that I am back from my recent trips to Mexico and Santa Fe, I’ve had a chance to edit and upload photos from QuiltCon which was in Austin Texas last month.

It was a lot of fun to see how Modern Quilting has grown and changed in the 2 years since the first QuiltCon. I also appreciated hearing artist Luke Haynes and collector Bill Volckening speak about quilts from very different perspectives.

Modern Quilting is about a clean design aesthetic, but also the local chapters make the MQG very welcoming to beginners who want to get started and enjoy the process of making a quilt. As the movement has grown, it has also expanded into a more competitive format where workmanship and creativity are very important for a public show. I heard many people comment on how the quality of the quilts had gone way up with this show, although the modern design aesthetic still makes this genre of quilting very accessible.

Today is National Quilting Day, so we wish you a Happy Quilting Day today, tomorrow, and all the other days of the year that we all celebrate by making quilts and sharing our love of quilting with others.

…and now…back to my current quilt project!

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