My Zero Stress Plan for the Holidays


Every year seems to go by so much faster than the last year, so that finally I have achieved Zero-Stress for the holidays because I just can't believe it is almost the end of the year! How can I get stressed about the holidays when it seems like it should be only October?

However I do make a list of things to do, but because that list is always so ridiculously long, adding a few things like signing Christmas cards or wrapping gifts, doesn't really faze me.

Today I had a rare moment where the house was empty and quiet (the kids were both out with their activities) and I had a chance to just crash in a comfy chair and mindlessly watch the birds at our new birdfeeder outside of our backyard picture window. It was amazingly restful and really cleared my mind. I was thinking "I should be stressed – the holidays are coming up" – and then – "I really deserve to sit and do nothing for awhile!" Creative people don't do well being busy ALL the time.

We do like to keep busy, but it is the times of doing nothing that we get our greatest ideas. When we clear our minds and relax, that's when we get the great genius inspirations. Well yes, cleaning your studio or work space can have a similar effect….but you know what I mean. Also, creative people like to have all their creative stuff out so they can look at it and think about what to do with it…after their head is finished clearing out.

This is very hard to explain to an Organizer type of person. If you have a compulsive organizer in your life or in your house…well you know what I mean. You can have a pile of fabrics or postcards or magazine articles out for months, til the whole thing gels and leaps out at you one day like Sheldon's "Bazinga!"….an Athena springing fully formed from Zeus' head.

It makes no sense but if you are a creative person, no doubt you know exactly what I mean. However my Inner Demented Compulsive Organizer is starting to whisper "It's time!"…and since we are contemplating a tree to hang our collection of eccentric artsy and travel-themed ornaments, something has to get cleaned up in order to make room for the tree.

I just thought I'd share this story, so you'd know you are not alone. *smile*

Have you heard about the new 2012 Pantone Color of the Year? I've posted a link on my brand new Facebook Color and Design fan page, and I'll write about color trends in the upcoming Midweek Creative Nudge newsletter.

If you don't currently get the Creative Nudge, be sure to update your subscription options now!

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About Luana has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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