On Being Part of the Solution

We are thinking of our quilter friends, and our Engineers Without Borders/NASA friends in the Houston area this weekend, with the flooding that has occurred over the last couple days. We hope you have managed to keep yourselves safe, and your homes dry.

Yesterday I headed out to the Climate Strike with my Love Your Mother banner, and was stopped by several people asking where I got my ‘flag’ – so you never know you might be seeing this at climate marches in the future. I also know of someone who has made Prayer Flags from our smaller Love Your Mother block panel and I just might have to do that for my front porch! You can see photos of the #loveyourmother quilt exhibit on my photo page.

It was very inspiring to be out with people of all ages – from little kids in wagons to elders with canes – out peacefully marching for climate change justice. This morning AOC came to Boulder, and I got a ticket because Sophie was the sound tech for the event. So these 2 events in the last 24 hours give me hope that the younger generation is truly going to get involved with saving the planet. Greta Thunberg from Sweden is an inspiration to so many.

We know that many of you are passionate about wild animals and wilderness. This weekend I am going to 2 fundraiser events – Greenwood Wildlife rescue & rehab that takes in orphaned and injured wildlife – and the Wild Animal Sanctuary that rescues lions tigers bears and wolves that have been kept in tiny cages and terrible conditions. Did you know there are more Tigers in private captivity than in the wild? This is for situations where somebody buys a tiger or lion cub to keep chained up in their back yard, and then realizes it is not such a great idea…and now these animals live outdoors on acreage, running in the grass and digging in the dirt. Blissful.

I am excited to have 2 quilts in Houston next month (Polar Bear in the “Endangered Species” exhibit, and my hero portrait of Kathy Price – Mission of Love – in the “Better World” exhibit.) Even better yet, we are sponsoring 5 categories of quilts this year (!!!) – the “Animals” in IQA, and 4 special exhibits. I’ll be telling you more about these special exhibits as we get closer to the event. Your support allows us to sponsor exhibits, contests, and other quilt events around the US and the world.

Thank you for telling your friends about our charitable projects – we appreciate your support!

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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