Our Giant Fabric Pipeline

Today Sophie got her 1st vaccine shot, which means now all of our kids have their first dose. Paul and I had our single dose J&J a few weeks ago, so this is bringing another layer of hope for the future. Our staff are also pursuing their vaccine appointments so we are all feeling like there is real visible light at the end of the tunnel now. I am exhausted, and I know you are too, but this is what keeps me going.

We are receiving many emails from our suppliers about supply chain issues. One of the biggest issues has been delays at the port in Southern California. Boats arrive and then have to wait weeks to come into port and unload, so they are docked offshore just waiting. Factories are experiencing delays also, and so many collections have been delayed by a few months. Thanks to our hard-working buyers, we’ve been able to keep our shelves stocked and continue to offer 1000+ new products each month. (This week – 390 new products!)

Fortunately we have many suppliers and therefore many options, so we just keep that fabric pipeline open to keep our warehouse stocked. This week we got our custom order from Langa Lapu Fabrics in South Africa. They don’t have any other orders so they are relying on eQuilter, to keep their ladies employed which means keeping their children fed. When you order these special fabrics, it means we can place the next order. The ladies there thank you.

This week we have a very special purchase – Kaffe Fassett’s new book “In the Studio” is absolutely gorgeous and we got a big batch of signed copies. Our staff was eagerly paging through the office copy, drinking in the luscious images and colors of this beauty. Kaffe Fassett fans will want to add this title to their collection – snag a signed copy while we have them in stock!

We have discussed collecting comfort quilts for the families who have lost loved ones in the recent shooting here in Boulder, but I also would like to put out a call for any quilt guilds or groups who might want to work on memorial quilts for the 10 victims, as we did for Newtown. We would want to present them on the one-year anniversary next year in March, at the very latest. If your group is interested, please contact me at eQuilter.

Thought for the day:
Reach out to somebody you haven’t spoken to for a long time – check in on friends who have been shut in over the last year. There are folks out there who are in need of love and companionship and sunshine. I bet you can think of someone you should call right now!

with hope for the future,
Luana and Paul

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