Oxytocin and Quilts

Tonight on a late night talk show, I watched Ron Howard and Chef Jose Andres talk about their documentary “We Feed People“. The main point they wanted to share is that everyone has something to give, and getting involved in volunteerism is something that almost everyone can do, to make a huge difference in others’ lives. I appreciate hearing 3 men talk about this, encouraging others to join them in this idea. It is something that mothers do every day. Once we have a baby, those hormones switch on and most of the time we have no choice but to care for and nurture our offspring. As we age, and our kids grow up, we find we can make a huge difference in others’ lives by caring for and supporting a larger circle of our community. We become an integral part of The Village. You know that saying – It takes a village to raise a child. Except… those young people still need support as they grow up and start families of their own. Often we find ourselves mothering and advising others besides our own children.

I am currently finishing a quilt about archetypal Women’s Wisdom, which I feel is one expression of Divine Mother energy. You may or may not be a mother in this lifetime, but everyone has (or had) a mother who brought them into this world. If we are lucky, we have a long relationship with a nurturing mother who supports and protects us, sharing the knowledge passed down through generations of mothers and grandmothers. Nobody wants to see their kids make the same stupid mistakes we made in our youth, right? If you didn’t have a nurturing mother, I hope you found someone who could give you that kind of support when it was needed.

As Mothers Day approaches this weekend, and we think about flowers and brunches, with children and grandchildren, one of the greatest gifts we can give away is to light a spark in others, to think about how they can step up and express that Divine Mother energy. Whether you think of her as Mother Mary, Mother Earth, Gaia or Guadalupe, or simply maternal instinct, we can feel it when we are a Force for Good to bring healing and tenderness to those who need unconditional love.

When we make and give a quilt with no expectations, we are expressing that motherly unconditional love. Of course men and fathers can express that unconditional love as well, and they make comforting healing quilts too. However when that oxytocin (the nurturing hormone) is flowing and it is poured into the stitches of a quilt, every stitch vibrates with Love.

Research shows that oxytocin levels raise in both men and women when they begin caretaking an infant. (that includes grandparents) This is why when I adopted an 8 month old baby on the other side of the world, I started lactating after 3 days. Our bodies possess so much innate wisdom…and love. And on Mothers Day we are celebrating that expression of brain chemistry and Spirit that is manifest in….our Mothers.

Sharing your love of fabric,
Luana and Paul

See Luana’s Flickr Photo Pages for travel images, watch our videos, or follow us on Facebook.

Visit eQuilter’s Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter pages for Color and Design ideas.

Quilt/Travel/Sponsor Calendar:
May 21 – CQC lecture from IQM
June 15-18 – Quilt Canada, Vancouver BC
July 22-26 – Sacred Threads Weekend, Dulles/Wash DC
August 4 – Long Beach Quilt Festival
Aug 17-20 – Festival of Quilts – Birmingham UK
October 2022 – Luana’s Polar Bear Tour – Churchill Manitoba Canada

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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