Quilts for Ukraine – Update

Dear Friends,
The quilts for Ukrainian refugees are coming in now, in waves. They are arriving at Mission of Love in Ohio, and you are dropping them off at our office in Boulder Colorado. Every week we have shipped 100+ lbs of donated comfort quilts to MOL, and we’ll keep shipping them as they come in.

We want to ask you to keep in mind that MOL is a volunteer operation and they are stretched thin right now between loading up trucks at the warehouse, and getting the food and medical supplies to the airport to catch the next plane to Poland.

Please do NOT call them. They will only refer you back to us. If you have questions call or email eQuilter. We are prepared to answer your questions. We don’t want to interrupt their life-saving work while they are rushing to get these urgent supplies shipped. Thank you!

Ship to:
Mission of Love
2054 Hemlock Ct, Youngstown, OH 44515

We also want to remind you to think of those who will receive these quilts, and the conditions in which they are living now. Generous lap/nap quilts and small bed quilts are the best sizes. Nobody has a king size bed there.

As you may know, the Mission of Love is the largest user of the Denton Program. This is a program which uses military cargo planes to transport relief and medical supplies and food (without charge) usually after a natural disaster. In this case we are trying to get supplies to the edge of a war zone, so these military planes are currently not available to us. At the moment we are also having to pay to have them shipped on commercial planes which is very expensive.

eQuilter is sending extra cash to help buy food and medical supplies, and to help pay for transport, but this week Kathy Price has set up a GoFundMe page to also raise money for the shipping fees. You also can DONATE DIRECTLY TO MISSION OF LOVE, on their website.

Remember to get a tracking number for your shipment to Ohio if you want to confirm receipt. They do not have an office staff to let you know the package was received.

This is a recent photo of the last batch of quilts we shipped to Mission of Love. I see many of you are now making yellow and blue quilts – the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Of course all of your quilts are cherished and welcome. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are so grateful that you share our dedication to giving to those in need.

Praying for Peace,

Luana and Paul Rubin

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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