Remember Normal?

Sewing in the time of COVID-19 – Week 43

After a week like this all I can say is – thank God I have my quilter friends. You, and this love for sewing that we share, are keeping me going. It was a depressing week. Our friends outside the US ask what the heck is happening to our country, and I have to tell them I don’t understand either. If quilters ran the country we could fix things pretty fast, because we know what is a priority. Love. Family. Respect. Community. Those things only come with PEACE.

The good news is that Sophie signed a lease for her college apartment this week. She will move out of our house and into her apartment in August, for her sophomore year. The even better news is that my mom is through the worst of her bout with Covid, and has been moved from the Covid unit back to her private room. She is happy to be back with her piano.

In case you didn’t notice (above) we now have our own beautiful eQuilter facemask available for purchase. Wear them in public and you will meet other quilters. My nephew wore one while skiing in Vail, and met a cute young lady who is a fan of ours. Ha!

Also for those of you who have bemoaned the disappearance of Silamide Beading Thread, we have brought in a new line of beading thread in a rainbow of colors! Woo hoo! This is a big deal. We’ve been working on this for months. We’ll be adding in more of these products next week.

One of my side hobbies is collecting opera-house anecdotes. It started with a story about an exploding grand piano (from my piano tuner), and now I’ve invested $5 in a used book called “Great Operatic Disasters” which I am hoping will put this week’s events into some kind of context. I started out loving opera for the music and costumes (textiles). Pre-pandemic I loved to sign up for 3-hour backstage tours in the bowels and ateliers of opera houses around the world, and asked my opera-singer friends for stories they don’t dare tell to anyone else. Blame it on “Death at La Fenice” I suppose. Just waiting to see how this latest opera production in DC ends….

with Hope for the Future,
Luana and Paul

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