Sewing in the time of COVID-19 – Week 3

The CDC has announced that we should all be wearing masks when we are out in public, even though we’ve been told not to go out in public. During your minimal grocery store runs, wear a mask. If you know someone who has an essential job, make them a mask.

We are still scrambling to keep special items in stock for those of you sewing masks and PPE items. They come in and out of stock so quickly. If there is something you need please call customer service and get on the wait list. We’ll contact you the day it is back in stock! We have thousands of yards of elastic now, and more on the way. We encourage you to make masks with homemade bias strips, but if you need elastic there will be plenty this week and plenty more in a couple weeks.

Our shipping time is taking a little longer than usual, because these are unusual times. If you search for ‘COVID’ you will pull up all the mask-making and PPE items in stock. We are giving these orders priority because we know these sewing projects for our communities are most urgent.

This week was also about bigger statewide projects for those who remain on the job but don’t have protective masks. We are still collecting your DIY face masks for healthcare workers and government workers here in Colorado. We’ve been making phone calls to match up sewing groups around the state, with groups of essential workers who need masks. You can do this in your community also – check out our info page and see if you know somebody on the front lines of this pandemic who could use a mask.

Mission of Love is asking for masks and help for the Lakota people of Pine Ridge South Dakota. If you would like to help this impoverished community during the crisis, follow the link to Mission of Love and see how you can help Kathy Price with this project on the reservation.

We have 2 trunks outside our front door now:
One is to receive your beautiful donated handmade face masks. The other is full of colorful fabric, strips for ties, and this week we will have some elastic for those of you who are sewing masks but don’t have your own stash. Please take only what you need.

Due to further state shutdown orders, and to give our staff more protection, we have had to stop our curbside pickup. However we send out our most sincere gratitude to those who have continued to make and drop off dozens and hundreds of handmade masks. I am going out about every 2-3 days to deliver another batch to those in need…healthcare workers and government employees. Those of you in this army of sewing volunteers are demonstrating true patriotism, and I wish I could give each of you a big hug. We will get through this, together.

Please do share our Mask-Making info-page with anyone who might be interested in sewing face masks or other PPE for their community.

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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2 Responses to Sewing in the time of COVID-19 – Week 3

  1. BarbFlowers says:


    No one has mentioned the trash folks. I handed out masks to them along with bottled water and thank you note. They do some really dirty and nasty work, and without them, think of where all of the neighborhoods would be.


  2. BarbFlowers says:


    I forgot to mention….thanks to you and all of your staff for all that you have been doing. I am sure once this is all over with you will be rewarded, even thou you don’t want to be!!!!

    Hugs, again

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