Stay Home – Stay Safe

My friends, these are very difficult times for those of us seeking to keep our families and communities safe. It is time to stay home and wait for this storm to pass over. It is time to distance from those in your circle who are not taking this pandemic seriously.

It is perhaps easier for us to stay home because we have a deeply engaging hobby that keeps us busy for long periods of time. The quilt collage above hints at other activities one can do from home or your back yard – bird watching, cocktail mixing, raising orchids. We are baking bread, walking our dogs, playing with our cats (who ‘help’ us with our quilts). We are watching Hamilton and other live-streamed performances from artists who are now out of work. We are zooming with loved ones who we have not hugged for months. But some of us have suffered terrible losses. Some of us are living with the aftermath. Some of us are on the front lines of this battle, and we can’t even imagine the service you are providing to your communities. We thank you.

So what can we all do to help? Reach out to someone who is alone, stressed, sick, or poor. Let’s all practice a Random Act of Kindness this week. When I feel helpless, or down, I do something to help someone who is suffering. To those of you struggling now, I am sending each of you a gentle hug and a genuine wish for peace and comfort. We will get through this, together.

sharing your Passion for Fabric…
Luana and Paul

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