The New Year is a special time for many of us, because we pause to mark our progress in the year that is gone, and set our goals for the year ahead.

It doesn't have to be as tangible as –
"I will make 10 quilts in 2011!"

Perhaps it might be something like….
I will spend 5 hours sewing on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I will celebrate my progress as an artist, and not denigrate my own work.
I will share my creative inspiration and knowledge with someone who wants to learn my craft.
I will study with a teacher or author whose work I admire.
I will learn a brand new technique this year, and then use it in a project.
I will donate the supplies I no longer use, to a school or class, or young person.
I will keep a journal of my creative process this year.

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you've seen the links I've posted for articles and videos about Creativity. I truly believe that everyone should have a creative outlet, and that being creative is a healing process, that makes us whole beings.

One thing we forget and leave behind as adults is the magical wonder of our childhood. The ability to dream, and to believe that anything is possible, is a great gift. That's why many of us are drawn to spend time with children – so we can have a few moments to experience the wonder and playful imagination of the child.

Tonight I took Sophie to ZooLights – our local winter light show put on by the folks at the Denver Zoo. Families wander through the grounds of the zoo, wearing layers of colorful hats and mittens, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying the sheer pleasure of moving through the colorful lighted landscape. Everyone is so happy, and the mood is so dreamy, that it is like we all agreed to come together and have this beautiful dream together.
(Today's photo is from our night at ZooLights)

The best part of course was seeing the sparkle in Sophie's eyes, and sharing the pleasure of her discovery. Experiencing her joy of riding the carousel, and the little train that makes a little loop around the duck pond, was the kind of simple pleasure that comes from sharing holiday traditions.

My New Years Eve is a simple one – I like to stay home, watch the ball drop in Times Square (although this year Snooki will be in the ball?), sing Auld Lang Syne (and get a little teary-eyed at another year gone by) and then share a toast of sparkling cider with whichever kid is the right age to (a) still be awake at midnight, and (b) still be young enough to be home on New Years. That would be Sam (13).

I hope you spend New Years Eve in the way that makes you happy, and I hope you have time to make some plans for your Creative Play in 2011.

See you next year!


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About Luana has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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