The Story of Cecil

It was hard to miss the big story of this week: the killing of a lion named Cecil in Zimbabwe. As you may have picked up over the years, protecting endangered species is one of the causes I support, including polar bears, elephants and tigers, but also all the animals that are senselessly wiped out due to poaching and climate change.

I’ve been up to Churchill twice to photograph the polar bears, and I am sure I will go again, because when you look into the eyes of these animals you just have to wonder why humans would knowingly wipe out these amazing creatures. Based on the amount of Polar Bear, Tiger, Lion, Elephant, Whale, Wolf and other wildlife fabrics you all buy, I am guessing many of you feel the same way.

So many animals have been killed but I wondered this week, what was it about Cecil that finally caught the imagination of the public and the media? Although there are many explanations for this, what it reminded me of was the sacrifice of Aslan in the Narnia books. Because of Cecil, people are calling for legislative action to safeguard the remaining populations of these and other endangered wild animals. Did it remind you of ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’ stories too?

The stories we read as children, and the books we read to our children when they are young, often shape our view of the world. This week we have 3 fabric collections from beloved authors and illustrators. You probably all know about the Hungry Caterpillar, but I was delighted to see the Eskimo-themed artwork based on the book “Mama Do You Love Me?”, and the charming illustrations from “Guess How Much I Love You”… all 3 being beloved books that I read MANY times to my 3 kids at bedtime. I just had to buy these collections to share with you, because I bet many of you read these books to your kids too. Maybe now you can make a quilt from the fabric and read the books to your grandkids? *smile*

If you’d like to see more of my wildlife & animal photography, check out these photo albums of my trips to Japan, Australia, Canada and South Africa on my photo pages. I love sharing my photos with all of you – hopefully to give you inspiration for your next quilt!

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