What a Glorious Feeling

Our weather patterns continue to be disrupted this summer, with the jet stream wobbling and making us wonder who got our Colorado summer weather….and whose weather did we get here in exchange? For those of you dealing with sweltering heat, an excess of bugs, or crazy flooding rains, it is a good summer to stay indoors and quilt! As Monty Python sang….”Always look on the bright side of life!” Quilting and art are my answer to all the stresses of life these days.

Our daughter Sophie Quinn is moving to Denver Monday, to finish her music education degree at MSU Denver/Auraria. I am crazy-busy finishing a quilt before I fly to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham UK. Last night I attended the artist opening reception for the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum (we are a sponsor) and it was great to hang out with a bunch of avid quilters (and their fans) for an evening. You can see photos on my personal Facebook page.

This coming week when we write the monthly checks to our list of non-profits, we will officially have topped the $2 million mark for our charity program. I will write about it in the Wednesday email. It is kind of surreal and also just amazing that, with your support, we have reached this incredible milestone! Together!

In the meantime I’m humming a new version of that Gene Kelly song…..my version is “I’m quilting in the rain, just quilting in the rain, what a glorious feeling…I’m sewing again!” ….and my background accompaniment is the drumming of raindrops on the roof.

sharing your love for fabric,
Luana and Paul

Visit eQuilter’s Instagram, Pinterestor TikTok pages for Color and Design ideas.

See Luana’s Flickr Photo Pages for travel images, comment on our blog, or follow us on Facebook.

Check out our Video pages for interviews and show reviews.

Travel/Quilt Calendar:
Aug 3-7 – Festival of Quilts, Birmingham UK
August 18-24 – Bear Camp – Homer Alaska
Sept 28-30 – AQSG Seminar – Louisville, KY

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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