When Quilters Gather…

Have you ever been to a dyeing party? It is somewhere between a quilting bee and a kindergarten finger-painting session….i.e. it is just about the most fun you can have with a bucket!

This party quilt was made by Taiwanese artist Hsu Hsi-Chen, and was part of the ‘Celebration of Color’ exhibit that eQuilter sponsored at the Houston Quilt Festival. This quilt depicts a “Dyeing Party” which is why you can see everyone in the image is smiling, and it makes me smile too!

It is also a reminder of the enduring popularity of Blue (and Indigo) fabrics. In my first design job, my boss told me “Blue always outsells all the other colors – always include a shade of blue as a color choice.” – and she was right. In my travels around the world, from Europe to Asia and Africa, variations of Blue fabrics are ubiquitous. Blue gives a sense of calm stability, trust, security, and reliability. It is the color of peace and tranquility, and that is what the world needs now more than ever.

We carry specialty products for many teachers – such as PFD fabrics for Cindy Lohbeck’s dyeing classes, Fosshape and Evolon for Betty Busby‘s students, and a special fusible stabilizer for Marianne Williamson. If you are a teacher or student and can’t find a special product for a class, let us know! We want to support your creative explorations!

I have uploaded my first batch of quilt photos from the Houston Quilt Festival, and you can see images from this and other quilt exhibits on my photo pages. If you are a member of SAQA, I uploaded photos of the Friday night reception on the SAQA members’ Facebook page. If you are a member and don’t know about this page – look it up!

After 8 days in Houston at Quilt Market and Quilt Festival, with hundreds of hugs and thousands of smiles, I arrived home Saturday and collapsed in happy exhaustion. There is nothing like hanging out with the Quilting Tribe!

Sharing your love of fabric…
Luana and Paul

* The image above is a photo taken by Luana at the Houston quilt festival, plus 2 other fabrics from eQuilter’s Asian collections.

Visit eQuilter’s Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok pages for Color and Design ideas.

See Luana’s Flickr Photo Pages for travel images, review our blog, or follow us on Facebook.

Check out our Video pages for interviews and show reviews.

Luana’s Art & Activism lecture is now online.

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About Luana

eQuilter.com has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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