"Superior customer service. Right from the first time you sign on to their sight up to opening your package, you feel valued. I love the feature where you can click on a panel and..."
Linda Appleby, Barriere, BC Canada
September 14, 2023
"After finding a charming pattern for stuffed teddy bears, I knew I wanted to make some. A friend of mine has 5 grandchildren under the age of five, and I made each of them a different..."
Sam , California
December 4, 2023
"J'aime beaucoup la variété de vos tissus et la qualité des images dont la couleur est conforme a la réalité."
Michelle Rives
May 22, 2023
"I had such excellent service from eQuilter. My order arrived in good time, beautifully presented with a lovely strip of fabric around the tissue-wrapped fabric and a cute sticker..."