Nov 25 2017 –
So far we have had 3 groups of generous quilters show up on 3 Saturdays, to make quilts for hurricane survivors. There was lots of stitching, sandwiching, quilting and binding going on! We also had some quilters from previous groups, who stopped by to drop off quilts they had finished at home.
We are now making and collecting comfort quilts for Island of Dominica, Puerto Rico, Port Aransas TX, (Hurricane) and Nepal.(Earthquake) We are working with Mission of Love for the first 3 locations, and Engineers Without Borders (EWB) has requested quilts to take over the holiday break for Nepal.
The EWB students will hand-carry the quilts to a remote mountain-top village where people are still living in tents post-earthquake.
For Nepal Quilts ONLY:
drop off or ship to eQuilter to arrive by Dec 15.
5455 Spine Rd, Suite E
Boulder CO 80301
Mission of Love quilts (for multiple hurricane sites, mentioned above) can be dropped off at eQuilter, but otherwise SHIP DIRECTLY to Mission of Love at:
Kathy Price
Mission of Love
2054 Hemlock Ct.
Youngstown, Ohio 44515
Do not ship Mission of Love quilts to eQuilter – only drop off in person or ship to MOL in Ohio. (to expedite them getting in the next container of disaster relief supplies!)
Our next Sewing Day will be Saturday Dec 9, from 9 am to 4 pm. We will be making new quilt tops (eQuilter will supply the Fabric!) and also sandwiching/quilting/binding the existing quilt tops here. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this effort, here and around the country! XOXO
At the end of the day today, there were smiles all around, and we all felt so happy to have spent the day together making quilts for those in need. So if you need a little group quilt therapy please join us on Dec 9th.Or you can make a monetary donation via our Mission of LOVE web site; via Pay Pal.
IMPORTANT: eQuilter is managing the public part of this effort, so all queries need to go to eQuilter Customer Service (Dana) at [email protected]
Mission of Love does not have an office staff to answer emails or phone calls. Be sure to get a tracking number on your package to confirm receipt! Thanks!
Please do NOT ship quilts to eQuilter!
Drop off at eQuilter IN PERSON, or ship directly to:
Mission of LOVE
2054 Hemlock Court
Youngstown, Ohio 44515
You can also drop off quilts IN PERSON at the eQuilter warehouse during business hours:
Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
5455 Spine Rd, # E
Boulder, CO (in Gunbarrel)
All quilts must be NEW or Like-New, CLEAN, with NO ANIMAL HAIR and ODOR-FREE.
Do NOT drop off unfinished quilts!! - we cannot finish them and they will be donated locally.
Do NOT ship unfinished quilts to Mission of Love.
THANK YOU to all of you who are sending clean, beautiful, healing, warm quilts for Hurricane victims! Your generous gifts of love will be in the hands of those who have lost everything, as soon as possible.
If you are sharing this project with others (especially online groups) please SHARE THIS LINK so everyone has all the guidelines - they are there for a very good reason.
After carefully reading through all of our guidelines, if you STILL have a
question, please do NOT contact Mission of Love.
All queries should go directly to eQuilter Customer Service at:
[email protected]
I'd like to suggest that you make bed-sized quilts for families who have
lost everything, and are living in cramped living situations post-hurricane.
The smaller sizes below would be a minimum size for that size bed - the
larger size is obviously a more generous sized quilt.
Small Lap - 54” x 68”
Large Lap - 60” x 76”
Small Twin - 56” x 84”
Larger Twin - 75" x 98"
Small Double/Full - 70” x 84”
Large Double/Full - 80" x 88"
We will of course accept crib or queen size quilts, but we suggest you
aim for a lap/child, twin, or full size if possible.
If you wish a Confirmation of Delivery, then you will need to ship with a TRACKING NUMBER. For security, do not mark the box with the word "quilts".
IMPORTANT: Please read all of this information carefully and if your
question is not answered, you can contact eQuilter Customer Service at
[email protected]
How can I stay up to date on this project?
To receive the latest *Hurricane Quilt Relief* updates in your Inbox, you
can subscribe to our eQuilter newsletter at:
If you missed the newsletters, you can still read them online.
Newsletters are posted at:
What kind of fabrics should I use?
Think about making something that will bring beauty and peace to the
recipient, who may have lost everything they owned.
Consider backing it with flannel if you have it on hand, for warmth, if it is for Nepal.
Don't be afraid to piece together the batting from your batting scraps (butt
the ends together and join with a zigzag stitch) or even piece together the
Should I label my quilt? How will they know who made it?
Be sure to put your name, address, and a message of Hope on a label,
on the backside of the quilt. Even if you don't hear back from the recipient,
they will surely read your message of caring. Use a permanent waterproof
pen like a Pigma or Sharpie, write on a light colored fabric, use a double-sided
fusible and hand-tack for security.
Can I send only a quilt top? Do you have any longarm quilters who might be able to help finish a quilt if I give a quilt top?
We appreciate the idea, but we can only accept finished quilts. Due to the great need, we will accept tied quilts, but we encourage you to do a minimum of basic quilting if possible. (stitch in the ditch)
We do expect that there will be longarmers who would like to team up with those making quilt tops, so we encourage you to put out this query to your local quilt guild, or even to an online quilt community. Our plate is full with the organization, so we won't be able to help match you up with a longarmer at this time.
Can I send other items like baby clothes or diapers? What about Fleece
blankets? Crocheted blankets? Pillowcases? Stuffed Animals?
At this time we'd like to focus on the most urgently needed supplies.
Please send either quilts or donate money to Mission of Love to help pay for
disaster relief supplies or other basic needs. If you wish to donate a pillowcase,
that can be the cover for the quilt.
Can you post my pattern design for others making quilts?
We appreciate your generosity, but we need to stay focused on the
project details on these pages. Our quilter friends don't seem to have any
lack of ideas for comfort quilts!
Is it OK to use our logo with the link on blogs and websites?
Yes it is ok to post the logo and LINK on blogs and websites.
We encourage you to pass the word to others, but PLEASE make sure they go to this information page so they can follow our guidelines and help this
relief project to be efficient and successful!
I live outside the US. Can I still participate?
For those of you living outside the US, yes you can ship directly to Mission of Love.
IMPORTANT: Please read all of this information carefully and if your
question is not answered, you can contact eQuilter Customer Service at
[email protected]
In case you are new to eQuilter, in addition to raising over $1.5 million for charity over the years,
we have coordinated over 12,000 comfort quilts donated and delivered over the years for 9/11, Katrina, Haiti and Japan tsunami survivors, with our partner Mission of Love.
Feel free to share this link for our project, with any individual or guild who you think might be interested in participating. The bottom line is - yes you can start planning and making the quilts you'd like to donate to Hurricane victims.
Our humble and sincere thanks to those of you who have helped in the past, and those of you who will help with this effort.
It has been my experience with this type of disaster, that small bed-sized quilts and child-size "lap" quilts are what is most needed.
We will not be accepting afghans, pillowcases, or other non-quilt items. We want to stay focused on our goal of collecting and distributing comfort quilts. A pillowcase can be a cover for a donated quilt.
Thank you!!! - Luana