A center lotus is surrounded by a spikes border with Judy Niemeyer's precise foundation paper piecing techniques. Material requirements include: 2 1/8 yds lt yellow background; 1 3/4 yds cream background; 3 yds bright red; 1 3/4 yds orange; 1 3/8 yds lt points; 3/4 yd turquoise petals and inner border; 1/2 yd blue petals; 1/4 yd dk inner border; 2 1/4 yds 90" wide batting; 5/8 yd binding; 4 1/4 yds backing. 'Egyptian Lotus' foundation paper piecing pattern designed by Judy Niemeyer of Quiltworx for Timeless Treasures. Finished size is about 68" x 68".