An adorable variety of glamorous owls sit perched on branches with elegant flowers and leaves growing from them. 36" panel, from the 'Hootie Patootie' collection by Jeremiah Ketner for P&B Textiles.
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"Superior customer service. Right from the first time you sign on to their sight up to opening your package, you feel valued. I love the feature where you can click on a panel and..."
Linda Appleby, Barriere, BC Canada
September 14, 2023
"eQuilter is my preference for great quality fabrics, accurate inventory, excellent customer service, free patterns, sales, photos of the fabrics/inventory and color sales receipts..."
Susan Smith, Durango, Colorado
May 6, 2022
"Excellent quality and selections. I am 100% disabled Veteran and I no longer leave my home to shop for fabric. You are my first and only choice. Thank you for your kindness and quick..."
Shirley Scofield, Oroville, CA
October 7, 2022
"I received my scrabble and lettering today and it was awesome! My mind is all over the place with possibilities for is Perfect! The colors are bright and beautiful… and..."