This particular issue of Quiltmaker is all about color! eQuilter owner Luana Rubin offers her insights on trendy Fruit-inspired colors in her article Global Taste. Other articles include: Color Theory, Meet Technology by Steph Skardal; How To Work with What You’ve Got by Jenni Grover and Designer Q & A - a conversation with Amy Struckmeyer. Projects include: Baby Checkerboard Squares by Ramona Sorensen; Marching Bands by Genevieve Stafford Hook; Splendid Spectrum by Susan Deshensky; quilted by Maryellen McAuliffe; Samara by Alison Barry; Shimmering Sunset by Jen Daly; Floral Trinity by Dee Syndor; Vintage Violets by Jane Baumstark; quilted by Annie Cook; Swatch Bloc by Linda & Carl Sullivan; quilted by Teresa Silva; Hoi Polloi by Kamie Grangroth; quilted by Teresa Silva; Filtered Light by Gigi Levsen; quilted by Crystal Zagnoli; Solidiflies by Mary Kay Davis; quilted by Sue Bruner; Color Combinations by Judy McCrosky; quilted by Delores Braun. Quiltmaker Magazine - July/August and September/October 2024.