A charming bouquet of twining wisteria add a unique Japanese elegance to the design. Larger hanging flowers are about 2-1/4", from the 'Asian Garden II' collection by Oasis Fabrics.
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"There was a quilt shop in the next town to me but they moved to another state. I liked the fact I could see the fabrics for their true colors. I love the fact you give me choices of..."
Deborah Towers, New Hampshire
April 4, 2023
"I had the most wonderful interaction with a representative named Deandra. She was extremely kind and extremely helpful. After multiple e-mails, she picked up the phone and called..."
Lori Mersereau, California
January 4, 2023
"Your fabrics have always been the best quality. I don't look anywhere else. Love the designs, colors, feel. Been ordering from you for almost 10 years. And I tell other sewing friends..."
Kandy Crowe, Monticello, FL
November 24, 2021
"Love your variety and quality of your fabric choices, and your customer service."