Creative Nudge – Chilly Anticipation


This weekend, while I was hiding from the 90 degree weather outside, I allowed myself the indulgence of looking at Fall and Winter fabric. There comes that moment at the end of summer when it is still hot, and you are ready for chilly weather. Looking at Autumn fabrics puts me in the mood for cooler days… just like looking at Hawaiian fabric helps me get through the end of Winter in February…you know what I mean?

My other indulgence was to dig through old pictures of the kids in the Pumpkin Patch, wearing their new coats and hats for the upcoming Winter season. Sophie was 4 years old in this photo, and we went out early in the morning to watch the hot air balloons take off.

As every mother and grandmother quilter knows, kids grow up too fast, and if you get distracted, quilts can take too long to make. You can start a baby quilt and next thing you know they are starting college! Sheesh!

However this is the upcoming season for quilting, and I am plumping and fluffing my stash in anticipation.

If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, it is Springtime approaching of course, and I imagine you all are getting in the mood for Floral fabrics! There is something so delicious about pulling out seasonal fabrics in anticipation of the coming change of weather. This time of year I just love those Autumn leaves – Red Maple Leaves outlined in Gold Metallic are my guilty pleasure.

How about you?

As with past quilt drives, we are gathering quilts for Nepal and looking for the best means of delivering your donated quilts before Winter hits. One batch has already been hand-carried and delivered to an aid organization in Kathmandu. They may end up being hand-carried in the suitcases of several aid workers traveling there over the next few months. Our main concern is that we send them over with trusted representatives so they are personally delivered to those in most need. We’ll keep you posted!

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