Trendwatching for Fabric Lovers

Here at eQuilter we are always on the lookout for longterm big-picture trends.
We love to spot a trend early on, jump on the early renditions of the trend,
predict when the trend will peak and taper off…and then wonder why some
designers or manufacturers continue to offer something that is "old

The answer is – even though a trend may be done among those who
follow such trends closely – it may just be starting up in another country. One
example is the success of Downton Abbey. It was wildly successful for a year in
the UK, before it started to air in the US. So we got Downton Abbey fever a year
later than the British. We are just now starting to see the affect on textile
trends here in the US… and we're looking forward to MORE
William Morris inspired collections
in the near future, as a result!

Over the last couple years, OWLS have
been a big trend
that eventually got oversaturated in the market. However,
even though the trend has peaked here in the US, the owl trend is just starting
in some other countries.

One of the long term trends I love to watch is
how textile and motif influences bounce back and forth between Japan and the US.
There are some trends I
saw first in Japan 5 years ago
, but they are just now showing up in the
collections of young designers here. When I go
to the Tokyo Quilt Festival each January
, it is fun to see what US trends
have landed in Japan. (I'll be in Tokyo Jan 26-31)

As I prepare my trend presentation for Quilt Con in
I am thinking about all of these global trends that bounce back
and forth across the oceans… thanks to the internet mostly!

Home Dec and Graphic Design are 3 areas that often are a flashpoint for new
trends, and then we will see several designers pick up on these trends in the
quilting industry. I often post links to trend influences on my Facebook Color and
Design page
, for those who like to spot those trends early.

Is there
a trend you've watched jump from one global region, to another?

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those communities in Australia who
have been affected by the fires recently. I am not seeing much information in
the media here, but I am aware of it because my friend Pam Holland got caught in
a wildfire in Tasmania. (She is ok, but is heartbroken by the losses she

We are still requesting quilts for
Hurricane Sandy victims
– they need quilts to stay warm this winter –

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About Luana has the largest online selection of quilt fabrics and quilting accessories. Over 1000 new products per month, are introduced in the weekly e-newsletters. 2% of sales is given to charity. Located in Boulder, Colorado. Independently owned by husband and wife (aka Mom and Pop) Luana and Paul Rubin.
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2 Responses to Trendwatching for Fabric Lovers

  1. stevii says:

    Thank you Luana. I really enjoyed your thoughts on this fascinating subject.

  2. Emma Dunnage says:

    Thanks for your comments on the bush fires in Australia. Bush fires are a fact of life here in Oz but this month has been such terrible conditions over such a huge area. In my little corner of NSW we have been lucky with only a couple fires which have either been brought under control very quickly or are of no threat to homes. We have been prepared to evacuate if necessary with valuables, etc packed and sitting by the front door. My husband and I were discussing what to pack, what would be missed the most, should a fire threaten our home and we had to leave quickly. Besides passports and my iPad, my fabric stash and a couple of precious books were top of the list. I think I’ve got my priorities right!

    Emma, I am sorry you’ve had to deal with such a scary situation. We have fires here in Colorado too, but having seen a big fire in Australia, yours seem to be bigger, more frequent and more dangerous. Good luck! – Luana

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