eQuilter.com offers a wide variety of products from the finest manufacturers, divided into special categories. Many customers enjoy browsing the store categories to select products. We realize that there is a huge selection through which to browse, so we offer a great searching tool to help you quickly find whatever you want.
To get to the Advanced Search page, click on 'SEARCH' at the top of any page. To search for products, type a keyword or a few keywords in the search box and click on the "Search" button. Your keywords may contain the title, colors, product description, manufacturer, designer name or eQuilter Product Code.
There are three options on the search page to help you refine your search, listed in order of increasing distinction:
"Display matches that contain any keywords" searches the product database for any of your keywords.
"Display matches that contain all keywords" searches the product database for products that contain all of your entered keywords. Products which contain some, but not all of your keywords will not be listed.
"Match exact phrase" searches the product database for the exact phrase that you enter, just as you've typed it. Products that contain some of your keywords, or all of your keywords, but not in the exact same order in which you entered them will not be listed.
If you are still unable to locate a product, please contact us. We will gladly attempt to find the products for which you're searching. Enjoy a complete shopping experience without ever leaving your seat!