When There Are No Words….Pray, Donate & Make Quilts

For those of you facing Hurricane Irma, the Western Fires, or the earthquake aftermath, we are just holding our breath and hoping…praying that you are all safe.

2 days ago Mayor Tim Kerner (Jean Lafitte, LA) drove a truck full of disaster relief supplies all night to get to the devastated coastal community of Port Aransas in Texas, as the first part of our hurricane relief plan with Mission of Love. You may have seen the first photos on our Facebook pages. We funded $3K in supplies for this first delivery, knowing that there is much more to be done for the long recovery.

On our blog, I posted a link to a list of organizations who we trust to take donated funds and put them to work immediately for those most in need in Texas. You can find that list here. It is hard to know where the need will be greatest after this weekend’s latest hurricane, so stay tuned for our Quilt Drive…but right now these folks need disaster relief.

Quilts Inc says that the the show will go on – that Quilt Market and the Quilt Festival are going to happen.

Would you like to make a challenge quilt to express your feelings about what is happening to Mother Earth?

BERNINA has generously donated a new model machine as first prize for the
‘Love Your Mother’ Quilt Challenge, and now Brewer has donated an EverSewn Sparrow 25 machine for the 2nd prize!

To participate in this challenge you must use 1 of the 3 versions of the challenge panel:
North/South Americas
Australia/New Zealand
Arriving in 3 weeks – AFRICA!

Thank you for supporting our charity program, which has raised over $1.4 million for those in need.

I have canceled my visit to the Carter Center in Atlanta this week, but will still be in Ohio for Quilting Arts TV, and in NYC for Quilters Take Manhattan…hope to see many of you there!

sharing your Passion for Fabric…

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